I’m Kickstarting a CD

Those of you who know me, know that I have four albums worth of material that I choose from when playing live. That’s something around 50 songs. The big question after a gig is always, “Where can I buy your music?” The answer is complicated. You technically can buy my demos. They’re all over the place. I feel sort of sleazy about that though because I know they’re of sub-par recording quality. I really hate charging people for inferior quality. When you spend your hard-earned money for music, you want it to be sonically superior and sound good in headphones, the car, or at home.

So it’s always been a “dream” of mine to get into a real studio and record a real album with help from a real producer and press real CDs along with digital versions of the songs so I can have something to sell and promote at shows. The only thing stopping me, really, was the enormous cost of all the things I’ve just mentioned.

Then, along came the phenomenon known as Crowdfunding.

Time after time, I keep seeing people that I know personally or that I’ve heard of turning to places like Kickstarter or Indiegogo for funding and running successful campaigns. It’s pretty inspiring but it can be a lot of work. I’ve had a campaign in the works for a year or two now and I think I’m finally ready for a launch. The time seems right and I’ve been talking to people in person and on the internet about it. They seem to be willing to support the effort and are even encouraging me to get it going.

I have songs picked out. I have a studio. I have people ready to help record. I have the rewards all written up. I have some designs made. I have everything but the actual campaign launch date. Once I get that, I’ll post here and we can get the thing funded. I’m really looking forward to being able to say thank you to everyone for making the album a reality.

So look for a post soon about the campaign and if you have any feedback about anything at all, from music to rewards you’d like to see, please leave me some comments. I feel really good about this and hopefully, with your help, we can get something made and out there. If you’d like a “preview” link to the campaign, let me know and I’ll send it over so you can preview all the rewards.

Supporting local music is a great thing and because of crowdfunding, it can be a very rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Thanks to everyone for not only coming to shows but for supporting me in every aspect and (hopefully) supporting this new project.

Stay tuned…


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