Tagged: songwriting


I’m Kickstarting a CD

Those of you who know me, know that I have four albums worth of material that I choose from when playing live. That’s something around 50 songs. The big question after a gig is always, “Where can I buy your music?” The answer is complicated.

One More Round 0

Every Song Tells a Story: One More Round

The Story

I got the idea for “One More Round” while thinking about drinking songs one day. I thought to myself, “I need a good drinking song.” Most of the gigs I play are in bars and clubs and everyone’s drinking, so why not? Let’s get them invested and give them something they can relate to, right?


Everything and Nothing

“Everything and nothing” is my new favorite way to answer the question, “What’s going on?”

Good Lord, I’ve been totally avoiding my own site. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time for updates. So I threw up a new theme design (hope you enjoy it) and said, “I’m going to write something, dammit.” So here we are.

Goodbye 2012
