Lou on the (Internet) Radio
On March 30th, I played live and was interviewed on an Internet radio show called the Homegrown Sunday Ramble with Paul and Dave.
If you missed it, you can check out my segment along with some great music and another live performance by Tom Lucas. Jahn Xavier also performed. I hadn’t met either of these two great performers and songwriters before so it was a total joy to warm up the benches for them. I hope we can play some gigs together in the future. They were real sweethearts loaded with talent.
This was my first time performing on the radio and being interviewed. It was a total blast. The studio was full of people, food, and good vibes. I felt like I was in someone’s home at Thanksgiving and everyone was just enjoying the day. People sang along and were very friendly and accommodating. Dave Wilson, my lead guitar player, accompanied me and we set up right in front of the studio window, so people walking by could watch from outside as we played and talked. The place is decorated in rock and roll memorabilia. The DJs from other shows that I met were friendly and talkative. I haven’t had such a fun day in quite a while.
So if you get a chance, give a listen to the Ramble on Sunday nights, plus all the other great shows they have over on http://www.homegrownradionj.com.
I hope to make a return visit some time!
* Note: there was an audio mishap on the recording where Dave’s guitar disappears during the first song we play and doesn’t return until the last song. Sometimes the songs sound like they drop out or something weird is happening. That’s because the accompaniment can’t be heard. Dave was there live in the studio and it sounded great!
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