Tagged: mp3


I’m Kickstarting a CD

Those of you who know me, know that I have four albums worth of material that I choose from when playing live. That’s something around 50 songs. The big question after a gig is always, “Where can I buy your music?” The answer is complicated.

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I Call Them Albums

Here’s my latest definition of feeling old: Speaking to someone under a certain age about music, referring to a collection of published songs as an “album” and then subsequently being looked at as if I had suddenly lapsed into Greek. “What’s an album?” they usually ask.

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Two New Songs & Workin’ Progress

Today, I’m proud to release two new songs. They’re called “There You Are” and “Something New”.

They’re going to be part of the next record which will be called Workin’ Progress. I decided on that name because I’m going to be creating the album as time goes by and releasing tracks as they’re finished, instead of waiting and releasing a big bunch of songs all at once. Hence, the album will be a work in progress until it’s finished.

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Every Song Tells A Story: Corporate Robot

The Story

I enjoy humor in music. There are times to be cerebral and there are times to be just plain funny. I like making people laugh with a goofy lyric or idea. This song was meant to be humorous, of course, but underneath it all lies a thinly veiled satirical commentary on corporate America.


4 New Songs Released!

I’ve been a busy bee, it seems.  Four new songs are now available here on the site and in the other usual places.  See the player on the page or the links over on the right.

The four new songs are:

  1. Will We All Be Friends at the End of the World?
  2. Crackberry
  3. The Luckiest Man Alive
  4. Number Two

Have a listen and leave some feedback if you like.
