Tagged: cinema


The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe

I am extremely happy and proud to announce that my new book (co-edited with Joe Bongiorno) is out on Amazon in print and kindle format. It’s called The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe and it’s the result of a lot of hard work so I’m going to take a minute to thank Julian Darius and Mike Phillips at Sequart.org – our publisher.


Blade Runner Anthology in the Works!

I’m pleased to announce that my latest book project will be an essay anthology about one of my favorite films of all time, Blade Runner. I’ll be editing the book with my friend Joe Bongiorno and it should be out in early 2017, if all goes well. The publisher, Sequart, has a page up for the book here and you can also like it on Facebook.

Irvin Kershner (1923–2010) 0

RIP Irvin Kershner (1923–2010)

The director of one of my favorite films, The Empire Strikes Back, has passed away at 87.

My love affair with films and filmmaking began with a little film called Star Wars that debuted in May of 1977. I was seven and nothing could touch Star Wars. It was like nothing I had ever seen, although I’m sure many adults saw the various sources of inspiration. Being seven and inexperienced at this thing we call life, it was all new to me and it was spectacular.
