Category: Lou’s News

Records 1

I Call Them Albums

Here’s my latest definition of feeling old: Speaking to someone under a certain age about music, referring to a collection of published songs as an “album” and then subsequently being looked at as if I had suddenly lapsed into Greek. “What’s an album?” they usually ask.

Look Sharp! 0

Look Sharp! On May 21st

One of the fun things about being a multi-instrumentalist is that you can play with many different bands in different capacities. When playing my original material, I’m up front and mostly on guitar. For most of my other gigs, however, I’m usually the drummer.

Something New 0

Every Song Tells A Story: Something New

The Story

I work from home most Wednesdays, at least at the time of this writing. I also use those days as music days, where I can work on my original material. I have my work computer dialed in to my left and my Mac all set up with the interface on my right. So when I’m taking breaks or in between things for work, I just roll my chair over and record a track or something. Wednesdays are usually great days for getting work done in both cases. There are few distractions. I can knock out a lot of my work (for my day job) in half the time I normally would. I can also get a lot of music written or recorded.

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Got Me A Rock And Roll Band, It’s A Free For All

Oh, that Nuge… always good for a quote.

It’s been an interesting couple of years to say the least. 2009 and 2010 found me writing two albums worth of material, plus what I call “pre-composing” two concept pieces of about 10 songs each. I call it pre-composing because those pieces exist only in my head except for the lyrics which are all written and complete.
