Blade Runner Anthology in the Works!

I’m pleased to announce that my latest book project will be an essay anthology about one of my favorite films of all time, Blade Runner. I’ll be editing the book with my friend Joe Bongiorno and it should be out in early 2017, if all goes well. The publisher, Sequart, has a page up for the book here and you can also like it on Facebook.

Here’s the announcement/press release. Stay tuned for more details as the book progresses.

NY, New York August 30, 2016: Forthcoming Blade Runner Anthology Explores All Facets of the Groundbreaking Film and Novel

Sequart Organization is proud to announce the 2017 publication of The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe, an essay anthology edited by author & musician, Lou Tambone, and author & publisher Joe Bongiorno.

Blade Runner PosterIn 1982, a new benchmark was set for science-fiction film with the release of Blade Runner. Based on the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by the acclaimed novelist Philip K. Dick and directed by Ridley Scott, Blade Runner was a visual and philosophical tour-de-force, set in a dystopian future in which artificially intelligent replicants, nearly indistinguishable from humans, are hunted down by police-operatives known as Blade Runners. Featuring the talents of Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Joanna Cassidy, Edward James Olmos, and Daryl Hannah, the film tackled numerous themes and birthed controversies that have been poured over by fans and critics for thirty-five years. Blade Runner has inspired several literary and comic-book spin-offs, and an upcoming film sequel, produced by Ridley Scott, is on the way.

The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe examines the entire Blade Runner saga, from the original novel to its numerous film iterations. This anthology features insightful essays about the franchise’s long history, written by film historians, novelists, and subject-matter experts, exploring such topics as how the film gained its cult status, its influence on other films, deleted scenes, how the film differs from the novel, the science of Blade Runner, and much more.

The book features a foreword by Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner author, Paul M. Sammon; notable essayists include director of Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner and the restoration producer of Blade Runner: The Final Cut Charles de Lauzirika, writer/producer/director Paul J. Salamoff, filmmaker/writer Kevin Rubio, director/editor Robert Meyer Burnett, author Rich Handley, film critic Zaki Hasan; and many others.

About the publisher: Sequart Organization is devoted to the study of popular culture and the promotion of comic books as a legitimate art form. Sequart has released twenty-four books, six documentaries, and thousands of online articles. Its documentaries include She Makes Comics, and its books include Our Sentence is Up: Seeing Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles. Sequart has also just released a documentary on writing powerhouse Neil Gaiman titled Dream Dangerously.


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