Author: Lou Tambone


I’m Kickstarting a CD

Those of you who know me, know that I have four albums worth of material that I choose from when playing live. That’s something around 50 songs. The big question after a gig is always, “Where can I buy your music?” The answer is complicated.


Top 10 Things I Learned On My First Cruise

I recently returned from my very first 8-Day cruise to the Bahamas. I expected it to be a nice, family vacation and nothing more. In actuality, I enjoyed it so much, I can’t wait to do it again. I won’t bore you with every detail about my vacation but I thought a short, humorous list of what I’ve learned might be in order.  So, here are the Top 10 things I learned on my very first cruise to the sunny Bahamas with stops in Nassau, Freeport, and Florida.
