Author: Lou Tambone


4 New Songs Released!

I’ve been a busy bee, it seems.  Four new songs are now available here on the site and in the other usual places.  See the player on the page or the links over on the right.

The four new songs are:

  1. Will We All Be Friends at the End of the World?
  2. Crackberry
  3. The Luckiest Man Alive
  4. Number Two

Have a listen and leave some feedback if you like.


Welcome to the New Site!

Hello World!

Welcome to the new (actually, the first) version of I’ve never dot-commed my own name until now and I have to admit that it’s a little strange but I’ll get over that soon enough.

I usually have my dirty little fingers in a bunch of project-pies at any given time. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep you all posted on them via this hub.
